Veilshift Playtest #2


Event Details

This playtest event represents historical events in the lore of the world. Please note, you will NOT be playing your Campaign Character for these events!

The Reclamation of The Slides, Factions in play:

  • The Ironfang Horde, led by Snarl Ripfang
  • The Unified Elvidean Front, led by Rill Galedeep

This event will be a more thorough test of the full rulebook, including any changes to combat mechanics made after the first playtest, and will include the Crafting and Stealth mechanics. This event will run more like an actual campaign event, with mods that go out on a schedule. It will also be a test of “Winter Kit,” to find out what level of costuming in comfortable for you in the colder months (as a note, we do not intend to actually run in Winter, but it never hurts to be prepared).

  • Friday Evening will consist of Check In, Pregame meeting and a review of parts of the rulebook. When “Game On” is called, there will be time for some roleplay, and one night battle. We will likely end before Midnight, because again, Dan and I are old.
  • Saturday will consist of scheduled mods as mentioned. There will be plenty of time for breaks, hydration, snacks, etc.
  • Sunday will be Debrief and Feedback. What did you like? What didn’t you like? Was there a skill or combination of skills that was absolutely Nutterbutters? This will be your chance to give direct feedback!
medieval trumpeter

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